Newsletter – September 26, 2024

October 1, 2024

New Member Jana Reed at induction

with Jeff Dennings (Former President standing in for recuperating Cindy Sullivan) and Assistant Governor Bill Reaves just after receiving her pin and taking her oath.

The 13 members present welcomed Jana and were pleased to hear from Bill that we are among the 2 Honor Clubs on the Michigan District of Optimist International, and we are “plus 6” this year for new members and completed service, training, and reporting projects that have qualified us for the Honor.

Speaking of service: Jeff Gauger, Greg Hilliker, and Jim Reigle teamed up today to assemble 5 beds for area kids who had none, and one young guy was so thrilled at his “Big Boy Bed” that we watched him dance on it! (See photo below.)

The Board has transferred its unused money into an account that builds with interest (5%) to add to the projects and organizations that we support.

The Installation Banquet is on October 3 (open to drinks and conversation at 6, with dinner at 7) at Kathy’s in Flushing. If you have not signed up to attend, please contact Jeff Dennings immediately so that he can give the venue accurate numbers for food prep. (See recent email for attendees currently signed up. Note that members Mike Butts and John Losinski are signed on, with guests!) Cost will be $20/person, with cash bar as an option.

Joe Farah is still open to have the Cowboys/Lions football game watch at his place on Sunday, October 13, so please let him know so that he can plan for food.

A fine passed against the “Acting President” Jeff Dennings for interrupting Mic Goulet’s conversation, and other “holding their own meeting”  fines flew as the “Jeffocracy” was reinstated, at least temporarily. 

Tim Look, from “Frozen in Time” Treasures will be this coming week’s (Oct.3) guest speaker at the regular weekly gathering at Liberty.

Steve Schlott’s lucky ticket to draw the card did not carry him to the Queen of Diamonds, so the the “Progressive 50/50 Pot” remains unclaimed at $986.

President Cindy is doing well, has had bandages removed and is looking forward to both therapy and returning to Club meetings.

Until next time, “Promise Yourself…”