West Flint Optimist Club – October 17, 2024 Newsletter

October 21, 2024

Lindsay Caterer Zofchak, Owner/Manager of Rossell Funeral Home

(center above, between President Cindy Sullivan on left, and Treasurer and today’s Program Chair Jeff Dennings on right) spoke with us today about her growth into the funeral and mortuary field as well as the changes in the field in recent years. The Covid pandemic dramatically increased the proportion of cremations to casket burials from under 10% to over 60%, and the size and formality of services has shifted and generally lessened. Lindsay also talked about the use of pre-planning for financial, communicative, and emotional reasons and offered her support for interested parties (who one of our members suggested might be “dying to meet with her” – no, it was NOT Jim Reigle!)

Before the presentation, Bill Hentgen talked about upcoming FIM events, Assistant Governor Bill Reaves reminded us of the October 24th Police Officers Ball in Burton ($50 for food, drink, raffles, and fun) and this coming weekend’s Optimist International “Summit” in Auburn Hills.

Jeff Gauger reported on the restabilizing health of his 10-year-old granddaughter, noting appreciation of our concern and support as well as ongoing prayers. Jeff reported on the fact that Sleep in Heavenly Peace is approaching their 500th bed assembly, thanking the Club for financial and physical investment in this effort. His investment in it and the Club were acknowledged (first in absentia at the Installation Banquet and today, in vivo) with the award of the unanimous vote of all members and a plaque for “Optimist of the Year”.

Tammy Schild returned as a guest today of Bill Reaves and was demonstrating her “Sumo Wrestling” prowess to Phil Holmblade at the end of the gathering today – Welcome, Tammy! (It may have been that Phil had been strained by the weight of the gigantic pizza brought in for the “no-shows” at Joe Farah‘s football game watch who missed the food the first time it was served.)

Please remember Mike Butts, whose health remains fragile and whose absence from our breakfasts leaves a hole!

Rich Lewis drew the lucky ticket today for the  “Progressive 50/50 Pot” and selected the correct suit but not the correct card, so we now hold $1100 for the next winner to split!

Until next time, “Promise Yourself…”