Newsletter – January 2, 2025

January 7, 2025

These folks need to be recruited for our Club and “heed our Creed”!

We gathered for our weekly breakfast at Liberty for the first time in 2o25 with 15 attendees.

In the absence of a speaker, we had free-flowing conversation and fine “fine” activities:

Steve Schlott came in wearing a “Jimmy Carter for President” pin on his shirt (in honor of the recently deceased Prez or trying to turn back the clock?), Asst. Gov. Bill Reaves was fined for “having his own meeting”, TailTwister Jack Medemar fined everyone who had “not proposed any fines in all of 2025”,  and a fine was generated against Scott Staley for failing to appreciate the powers of the King but it obviously went nowhere because,… well…, he IS the KING!

President Cindy Sullivan was fined for “having to relearn her role” after a cruise-related absence, and complained about the cold weather while proudly showing off her new suntan, and Joe Farah got into “Can You Top This?” story-telling contest with her – 6 flights in 65 hours??!!

Phil Holmblade (our official official for the Optimist International Foundation) reminded us our opportunities for Dime-a-Day (individual) and Dollar-a-Day (Club collective) contributions.

Jeff Dennings reminded us of the day’s “Stammtisch” at Kathy’s at 3:30 p.m.. (The word is a German term meaning “Reserved Table” that Jeff came across, or fabricated, for our informal afternoon events.)

Jeff Gauger noted that Jim Reigle‘s craft work had added 7 new bed covers to be added to the supplies for Sleep in Heavenly Peace. Thanks, Jim! (Below is a photo of the Facebook page from SHP, with a click-through link – also HERE -for the upcoming Build Day.)

A new deck of cards diluted the probabilities of winning for Jack Proffitt in the drawing for the “50/50 Progressive Pot”, so he will have to try again next week.

Next week’s Speaker is Sheriff Chris Swanson, so be on your best behavior!

Until next time, “Promise Yourself…”

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