Newsletter – January 9, 2025

January 12, 2025

Genesee County Sheriff Chris Swanson (on R in photo above- note badge)

was invited to speak to this morning’s group of 20 attendees by Member Joe Farah (in Center above, with President Cindy Sullivan on L), and we were all impressed by the Sheriff’s detailed presentation on his job, his tenure, and his direction. The IGNITE program (acronym for ‘Inmate Growth Naturally [and] Intentionally Through Education.’) that he developed is getting national attention for its efficacy in reducing incarceration and recidivism, as well as its cost-effectiveness in short- and long-term investment ($5600 reduced cost of incarceration per inmate). Inheriting law enforcement as a career (3rd-generation), the Sheriff faced a task of managing a traditionally overcrowded incarcerated population with several limitations – 9 out of 10 addicted, 60% with mental health problems, half without 3rd-grade reading skills – and has enacted an approach that produced a year (2024) without a single day of overcrowding and a reduction of 92% in violence overall (inmate-inmate and inmate-staff). The system (curriculum can be seen in the above IGNITE link) is being replicated in 23 states with published university research scrutiny establishing verification of large-scale success and anecdotal/individual validation of success – 31 commencements since the inception (even more graduates) with some grads receiving certifications of skill that will allow them nationwide job access in lucrative positions. A self-described “Compassionate Disrupter”, Swanson is being discussed in the context of higher public office and this dynamic and energetic person is just hitting his stride. (Imagine what he would be like if he drank coffee!)

Tony Tucker (member and Old Newsboys Director) was counting on being here but unable to come because his wife is recovering from an injury, but Elaine Cullen (wife of member Ken Cullen) and Rick Shafer (friend of Bill Reaves and Phil Holmblade) were welcomed as Club returning guests today.

Mic Goulet fined anyone who did not sit on a toilet stool provided by Scott Staley this week, prompting a number of jokes and fines. (One story was about a “honey dipper” whose truck advertised work availability during the week but reserved the weekend use of the vehicle for “hauling milk”.) Steve Schlott generated a lot of controversy an fines by once again wearing his “Jimmy Carter for President” pin, this time noting that he “did not vote for him” (too young?) but did get a few bumper stickers in an attempt to “get an ‘A’ “ for each one and “2 As for each poster” meant that he unwittingly “contributed to the delinquency of minors” in acquiring the posters from the campaign office walls. This, along with Jim Reigle’s gleeful announcement about “shredding years of financial records”, raised the eyebrows and prompted discussion with the law enforcement personnel in attendance.

Joe Farah introduced the prospect and potential venue/structure for a future visit by Olympic medalist and current movie sensation Claressa Shields, to be explored.

Greg Hilliker again plugged the “Seeing Stars” event on February 7th, raising money for the Student Tuition Assistance aspect of Flint School of Performing Arts students.

Jeff Gauger reported on the current plans for construction of at least 100 beds for Sleep in Heavenly Peace at the Build Day at Dort Financial Event Center on February 15.

Mic Goulet noted that he is celebrated 47 years of Optimist membership and is one of the few aging folks that can claim that participation record and memories – Greg Hilliker and Steve Schlott are also in that cadre, and Joe Farah is working on getting there.

John Farah bought the “lucky ticket” but failed to draw the “lucky card” in the day’s “50/50 Progressive Pot” so the prize grows.

Jana Reed has invited Calvin Odum, with Fathers Who Care, to be next week’s speaker.

Until next time, “Promise Yourself…”

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