Newsletters – September 28 and October 5, 2023

October 10, 2023

September 28, 2023

Fourteen members met for breakfast and discussed prospects for this year’s Installation Banquet for Club officers, recent (Night at the Museum) and upcoming (Wine Dinner) at the Flint Cultural Center. Cindy Sullivan noted plans for Club participation in the October 7 “HarvestFest” (Club members to provide and pour cider for kids as well as judge jack-o-lantern displays). Steve Schlott reported on plans to send out 2 “teams” after the day’s meeting to assemble 7 beds for Sleep in Heavenly Peace (see above photo for one of the seven with a young mother of 6 young children, including newborn twins, not yet home from the neonatal unit). Ken Cullen returned from his summer camping stint and was fined for gravitating to his “same seat week after week after week”, Mic Goulet fined Phil Holmblade for starting the morning prayer with “Certainly”, Phil fined Cindy Sullivan for trying to “launder” international currency in the meeting, John Farah was fined for failing to offer Joe Farah a “Progressive 50/50” ticket, and Dan Crannie paid a fine for failing to introduce his guest to the membership (Kelly, one of his employees who is helping us with bed assembly).

October 5, 2023

The fifteen present listened to Bill Hentgen gloat over “Wine Night” at the Cultural Center, Jim Reigle and Steve Schlott report on the bed assembly this past week, Bill Reaves and Cindy Sullivan plan for pouring cider at this weekend’s HarvestFest in Flushing, and Joe Farah let us know about his October 30 Detroit Lions game watch (sign-up sheet forthcoming). “King” Steve Schlott, who wore shots on this frigid day, fined the entire Club for being “too timid”to wear shorts and was shocked when Greg Hilliker tried to keep from paying another dime by “zipping off” his pantlegs. (See photo below of TailTwister Jack Medemar waiting to see how much Greg would pay.) Mic Goulet was fined for staying outside the meeting until he introduced his conversation partner as “Sherrie, an author of 15 children’s books, and a prospective member” and reversed the charges. John Drumm‘s “lucky ticket” did not result in a successful card draw, so the “50/50 Pot” grows to $1229.

Next Speaker (at Oct. 12 meeting) : Doug Ford, from Acorn Camp

Untill next time, “Promise Yourself…”

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