Newsletter – August 1, 2024

Newsletter – August 1, 2024

The photos above and below are from today’s Sleep in Heavenly Peace bed assembly, where Club members Steve Schlott and Greg Hilliker (along with Dan Carville) completed the 4 beds in about 1 hour and 10 minutes, prompting a discussion of a pay raise to 3 times what we...
Newsletter – July 24, 2024

Newsletter – July 24, 2024

Our Club received a “Gold Sponsor” award plaque for our long-standing alliance and support of CANUSA (pictured above), which President Cindy Sullivan accepted with surprise and gratitude from the group of friends that worked at our Summerfest beverage tent. Chris...
Newsletter – June 20, 2024

Newsletter – June 20, 2024

12 of us gathered this morning for a meeting that had originally been suspended: we thought that we would have an informal gathering at the Summerfest tent site, but we got enough done last night to allow us to have a “regular” meeting at Valley’s before the work and...
Newsletter – June 13, 2024

Newsletter – June 13, 2024

Tim Jones, Communication Director of this area’s very important “9-1-1” service was introduced by Mic Goulet to talk about the functions, costs, and coverage in this critical operation. 460,000 calls per year, “one every 75 seconds”, go through this system,...
Newsletter – May 23, 2024

Newsletter – May 23, 2024

Mic Goulet awarded by Optimist International and Lt. Gov. Bill Reaves for his many contributions to the Club and the community, most notably for having recruited and sponsored a fifth Club member. Mic spent some time in today’s meeting recounting (with exhibits)...