Newsletter – April 4, 2024

Newsletter – April 4, 2024

Our 2 guests, Olivia and Kendall from Whaley Children’s Center reminded and updated us on the purposes, programs, and people at Whaley. They were excited to share and celebrate one particular “success story” of a young man who surpassed his history of an abusive...
Newsletter – March 28, 2024

Newsletter – March 28, 2024

15 members and 2 guests gathered for breakfast and conversation at Valley’s this morning, catching up on Rose Schlott’s recovery from back surgery (Steve is home with her so that she is not alone while  her pain medication diminishes) and other news: Cherry Givens...
Newsletter – March 14, 2024

Newsletter – March 14, 2024

Candace Waggoner from “VOICES for Children” talked about “the big blue house” which supports children who have been mistreated, providing trained personnel to interview, nurture, and walk through courtroom procedures if required with youngsters who have encountered...
Newsletter – March 7, 2024

Newsletter – March 7, 2024

Kim Roddy receiving a check from the Club for $500 (Cindy Sullivan and Dan Crannie presenting). 18 members and 2 guests attended the meeting today, as  Gail Garrison (in photo below, with President Cindy Sullivan on the left) spoke with us about the structure and...
Newsletter – February 29, 2024

Newsletter – February 29, 2024

Josh Fields, Project Manager for Greater Flint Health Coalition, spoke at length about the “Supplemental and Emergency Food” system in the area and the unappreciated breadth and availability of food resources in the Flint/Genesee communities. Josh noted  that many...