West Flint Optimist Club Newsletter Update

West Flint Optimist Club Newsletter Update

WFOC Newsletter FEBRUARY 8, 2024 On President Cindy Sullivan’s cue, Karen Lorenc led the Pledge of Allegiance and Ken Cullen spoke the invocation before today’s 15 members began the business and frivolities of the morning. Cindy talked about the progress of planning...
Newsletter – February 1, 2024

Newsletter – February 1, 2024

“Happy Ground Hog Day Eve!” to all of the 17 present at today’s breakfast meeting! By the time that President Cindy Sullivan officially opened the meeting, there was so much conversation that it took a while to focus the Club’s attention, but the Pledge of...
Newsletter –  January 25, 2024

Newsletter – January 25, 2024

We had a nice crowd this morning, thirteen of us, to liven things early in the morning.  Would someone please give Joe Farah official notice of the start time of the meeting?  Joe apologized for coming in at 8:05 for an 8:00 AM meeting, and asked when the time changed...
Volunteers wanted for “Build Day”!!

Volunteers wanted for “Build Day”!!

The most recent issue of “MY CITY” magazine mentions one of our favorite organizations on its cover: Sleep in Heavenly Peace (Flushing Chapter) has been a beneficiary of our West Flint Optimist Club’s financial support and several work teams that...
Newsletter – January 11, 2024

Newsletter – January 11, 2024

Duane Allyn, President of Flushing Rotary and retired area pediatrician, came with new member Karen Lorenc this morning and spoke with the relatively sparse group who dribbled in as they maneuvered their way through inclement weather to the weekly Breakfast Meeting....