Newsletter – April 18, 2024

April 18, 2024

Matt Shanafelt, Flushing School Superintendent,

receiving Club thanks from Jack Proffitt, standing in for President Cindy Sullivan (planned absence today).

Matt and his siblings grew up in Flushing, and he returned to work in his home school district after some other teaching, coaching, and administrative positions. His work as Superintendent for the past 4 years has him advocating strongly for an upcoming Flushing millage vote that he hopes will help Flushing keep its educational reputation and stabilize its future with improvements to safety, educational technology, and athletic and grounds improvements. “Regardless of how you vote, VOTE!” is his message to Flushing residents, but it is clear that he would like to see the current 3.8 Mil levy (currently 4th lowest in the county) extended into the next couple decades so that hirings and expenditures can be predictably managed. (Right now, 21 bus drivers cover 23 routes with some “double route” payments, delays, and inconveniences.)

13 members listened to and applauded the speaker, and heard other announcements, including:

Monday’s 10 a.m. Zoom Meeting regarding contact with previous sponsors about this year’s Summerfest. (Contact Jeff Dennings for the link.)

Karen Lorenc announced Rotary’s big “Garage Sale” at Flushing Middle School this Saturday.

Steve Schlott reminded us that tomorrow is Sleep in Heavenly Peace “Build Day” at Flint Genesee Job Corps, and volunteers are welcome. Contact Steve Schlott for details.

Jeff Dennings reminded us that the Michigan District Conference for Optimists is at Western Michigan University’s College of Aviation in Battle Creek on May 4th ($25 registration).

Fines were abundant after the Crown was auctioned off to its recent holder, Jeff Dennings, for a measly dollar: Jeff fined all who did not outbid him, Bill Reaves and Joe Farah paid for late arrival and failure to shake hands with fellow Optimists, and Cherry Givens also paid a fine for late arrival and no handshakes but was avenged when Greg Hilliker was fined for “being schooled by the new kid” (Cherry). Steve Schlott paid a fine for not explaining the fine system to the guest speaker that he introduced, and he paid another for being “careless with his money”.

Mike Butts’ return to the Club meetings was celebrated by all of us! Mike got “the lucky number” for the “50/50 Progressive Pot” and asked our guest speaker to draw the “Queen of Hearts” from the remaining cards for the $1000 total. We hope that Matt Shanafelt has a better financial outcome with the millage vote than he had  with his card draw of the “5 of Hearts”, leaving the Pot unclaimed.

Until next time, “Promise Yourself…”