New Member John McNally (far left above), sponsored by Scott Staley (center),
was inducted into membership by Asst. Gov. Bill Reaves (on right above) with 19 members and guests present. (Jerry Givens accompanied Cherry, Rick Schafer and Ron Albani came as guests of Bill Reaves.)
Frequent and frenzied fines characterized the “Jeffocracy” this morning in the absence of President Cindy Sullivan, who is vacationing in Florida. Jeff Dennings filled in and pounced on Greg Hilliker’s failure to give the Club timely notice of the cancellation of our scheduled speaker, Sheriff Chris Swanson. (Greg drafted the email notice and thought he sent it out on the 17th, but he must have missed the “send” button – we’ll see if an unintended Amazon purchase shows up!). Greg also paid a fine for deluding Elaine Cullen, whose husband (Member Ken) had bribed her to come to the meeting by promising a chance to see the Sheriff and get some Eggs Benedict for breakfast! More fines were administered for “whining”, running low on dimes, etc..

Member Jim Reigle brought some of his “cork creations” – see photo below – to breakfast this morning (reporting that “My therapy is going well!”) and offered them to interested parties in exchange for donations to Sleep in Heavenly Peace, for whom Club members are scheduled to deliver/assemble 6 beds after today’s meeting. Jim paid fines for trying to convince us that he only obtained the wine to get material for his crafts. (In truth, he accepts donations of used corks from anyone who offers them!)
Although a considerable amount of money exchanged hands this morning from the activities listed above, even more moved around when Steve Schlott won $800 when he drew the lucky ticket and the Queen of Diamonds for the “Progressive 50/50 Pot” ($1600) in, and he generously returned a good portion of his winnings to the Club! We will begin a new drawing at our next meeting. Note that a small turnout is expected for breakfast next week, but there will be both a breakfast meeting and an informal afternoon gathering the day after Christmas.
We have been told that Sheriff Swanson is to be rescheduled, possibly on Jan. 9, to be our speaker.
Merry Christmas to All!
Until next time, “Promise Yourself…”