West Flint Optimist Club Newsletter -12/4/2024
These are some of the “Good Boys & Girls” who got Santa’s recognition at our annual Pancake Breakfast with Signing Santa for Michigan School for the Deaf elementary students, staff, and family members. The kids seemed calmer than usual but were still exuberant at the Fat Jolly Man’s arrival, personal greetings and communications, and gift-giving. Besides the Club members (not all present in the above photo) and MSD contingent, we had many guests (including Rose Schlott and Janet Russell) this morning, with Madeline Campbell (writer for the Flushing View, in the light plaid jacket behind Joe Farah watching Santa in the photo below) expressing interest in joining our group.
This was a very busy week for the Club, with the MSD event on Wednesday, Flushing Candlewalk on Thursday and Friday , Salvation Army Bell-Ringing on Friday (see photo of Mic Goulet, Cindy Sullivan, and Greg Hilliker below – no shots available of Ken Cullen, Steve Schlott, Phil Holmblade, Jeff Dennings, and John Drumm), and Sleep in Heavenly Peace bed assemblies on Saturday. ‘Tis the season!
Thanks to all the folks who shopped, bought, wrapped, organized, walked and paraded, built, raised canopies, passed out hot chocolate and candy canes, and donated for our ventures this week, recognized by our Michigan District and Optimist International as an exceptional and terrific group of caring citizens!! (Note Sean Mueller, Michigan Optimist Governor, and Club Member and Assistant Governor Bill Reaves with Club President Cindy Sullivan in photo below.)
Rest up, until next time (perhaps in preparation for this week’s regular 7:30 a.m. Thursday breakfast gathering at Liberty and the 3:30 p.m. informal gathering at Scooter’s),
and “Promise Yourself…”