SOME of the Club members at last Saturday’s SHP Build Day
Fourteen of us gathered this morning for our regular breakfast meeting at Liberty, where Joe Cozart was asked to lead in the Pledge of Allegiance and then fined for starting with “Sure!”. Steve Schlott announced that Jeff Dennings’ expected return from Florida (where he is driving his mother’s car back to Michigan) next week will call for a “special birthday recognition”.
The next fine levied was against all those NOT present at Saturday’s Sleep in Heavenly Peace “Build Day”, where at least 10 of us were among the more than 160 volunteer workers wearing sawdust at lunch time, with 100 beds to show for our labors. (See photos below for a couple shots of the producers and the product.)
As near as we can figure, President Cindy Sullivan was the only casualty (with a small splinter in her hand) and all were energized by the exuberance, camaraderie, and commitment of the crowd. Jeff Gauger, who seemed to be everywhere on Saturday, expressed gratitude for the donations and the efforts of all the participants, especially those from the Club. He also reminded us that the next Build is scheduled for April 12, 2025, on a more limited scale at Flushing’s Moose Lodge. Cindy had conversations with Jeremy at the Dort Event Center and is excited about prospects for the Optimists sharing the work and the money in next year’s concession operations.
Dan Crannie arrived late to the meeting and was razzed for arriving late from Arizona, so he will plan to be in Florida next week! A fine against Dan for “bragging” (proposed by Jack Medemar) was discussed, but Steve Schlott suggested that “It’s not bragging if it’s true.” Jack himself will be in Arizona next week, practicing his cycling skills.
Another fine passed against “all those not attending last week’s Stammtisch”(awkwardly named and pleasant afternoon informal gathering of 5 of us at Vic’s).
Prez Cindy reviewed the recent discussion of SummerFest 2025 plans, noting that is scheduled for June 19-21, that hours will be 5-10 p.m. on Thursday and Friday and Noon to 10 on Saturday for the beverage tent, and that she is concocting a list of work assignments for us. She is also scheduling a Board Meeting this coming week to move the project ahead.
Jeff Gauger once again drew the “lucky ticket” but not the “lucky card”, growing the “Progressive 50/50 Pot”.
Until next time, “Promise Yourself…”