Newsletter – February 27, 2025

March 4, 2025

A guest, Gary Quillen, joined the 11 members present this morning for our weekly breakfast at Liberty Family Dining. In the absence of a guest speaker, we had a lot of free-ranging discussion:

Former Michigan District Governor Deb Berry contacted Greg Hilliker this week to talk about her (and Michelle Kauffold’s) Music Scholarship competition coming up in a few weeks. The information for this has been forwarded to Flint School of Performing Arts and posted in the faculty lounge. Deb herself has undergone some serious health interventions in recent months but keeps her Optimism creed and mindset in mind.

The most recent issue of “The View” (weekly community news organ –see page photo below) featured an article on Sleep in Heavenly Peace and had photos of President Cindy Sullivan and member Jeff Gauger working at SHP’s most recent Build Day. Jeff noted that we plan to deliver and assemble 12 beds today (see FB post/photo HERE), that SHP’s Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser is this coming Sunday at the Flushing Moose Lodge and that the Moose folks will be sponsoring another Build at their location on Elms Road on April 12, 2025. 

Assistant Governor Bill Reaves reported on how other Clubs in the Region are doing, and Prez Cindy reported on progress in preparation for the upcoming Flushing SummerFest and Beer Tent (June 19-21 licensing in process – rumors about Trivia Night on Thurs., ‘80s Music on Fri., and Country Music on Saturday).

We are missing but have had some communication with members Mic Goulet (still recovering from back surgery) and Bill Hentgen (reportedly doing OK and saying he was planning on joining us today, but…).

Jana Reed and Cindy Sullivan have new email addresses, to be changed in our records.

All are invited to Jeff Dennings’ “Stammtisch” and 60th Birthday celebration this afternoon at Vic’s (Ruggero’s on Corunna Rd.) at 3:30, but he’d like a head count so let him know.

Program speakers:

  • March 6    -Mike Morgan “Dog Talk”
  • March 13 – Montrose Digital/Media Department
  • March 20 – Job Corps
  • March 27 – Jamie Gaskin from United Way
  • April 10 –    Ed Sullivan (Flushing Mayor)

Jack Proffitt bought the right ticket but drew the wrong card for the growing “Progressive 50/50 Pot” worth $327.

Until next time, “Promise Yourself…”

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