Ten of us gathered this morning at Liberty, despite the snow, ice, and crazy drivers that made it challenging!
Jeff Dennings contacted us from Florida, where he is supporting his mother, just confirmed to have a cancer condition. Keep them in your thoughts and prayers during this time of evaluation and decision-making.
Joe Cozart confirmed that an old friend of our Club, Terry Jones, has recently passed due to ALS. Joe also talked about his travel, tours, and trinkets from his recent 15-day Panama-focused excursion, noting that “The Bridge of the Americas” isn’t all that impressive to those who have seen the Mackinac Bridge and Flint’s “Vehicle City” arches.
Jack Medemar regaled us with tales of his conquest of the fierce and elusive mountain lion (shown in Jack’s photo in relaxed repose overhead in a tree), and spending a lot of time stuck on highways because of inclement weather and related accidents. He suggested that all his “saddle sores” were worth the memories.
In order to save time and free TailTwister Medemar from his heavy responsibilities this morning, Jack Proffitt took a shortcut and proposed to “fine Greg Hilliker and Steve Schlott times ten” and the fine was passed by the incredulous President Cindy Sullivan. Jim Reigle and Bill Reaves “flew under the radar” and had quiet breakfasts and less financial loss, and Phil Holmblade was the only one who was counting out more money (from “Dollar-a Day” and raffle tickets) at meeting end.
Scott Stanley’s disappointment in not drawing the “Queen of Diamonds” for the “Progressive 50/50 Pot” is at least partially offset by all the work that his company has been taking on through this stretch of cold weather.
Until next time, “Promise Yourself…”