Doug Ford, from Acorn Buddy Camps (with Cindy Sullivan)
came to speak with us today regarding the successful camp experience: 5 campers with an assortment of disabilities spent 4 days at the camp near Lake Huron, supported by “Buddies” (trained high school and college students) as they enjoyed physical movement as they could, did art projects, “built canoes” for a “canoe ride”, helped prepare their own meals and clean up afterward, and played altered versions of familiar games (e.g., “Giant Yahtzee”). With donated labor and several volunteers, camp participation “doubled” this year and is expected to continue growth, despite a limited budget of $7500/year. (The United Methodist Campground site charges $350/person for campers and “Buddies” to spend time at the canp.) Doug thanked the Club for our support of the program and showed photos of the (literal) “happy campers”.
Member Mindy Williams made a specific request for Club support on behalf of the residents of Optimist House: the usual sponsor for Halloween activities is unable to provide funding to the kids at the house, so Mindy has suggested that the Club put some money toward costume purchases and decorations, and the Club furnished $450 for the cause.
Prospective member Cherry Givens (see attached photo below) came to the meeting this morning (following up on last week’s invitation from Mic Goulet) and has filled out an application. She is an author of children’s books (click here to see), mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, a pastor’s wife, and a retired schoolteacher. We look forward to her Club participation!
Cindy reported that the HarvestFest went well (700 participants) and that she appreciated Club support (especially from Dan Crannie and Steve Schlott) in pouring cider for kiddos! Bill Reaves noted that Saturday, October 21, will be the last Food Distribution day at his church for a while, so if you wish to help or know someone with a need, keep this in mind. Also on Saturday, the 21st, the Sleep in Heavenly Peace Build Day is scheduled and the plan is to build 36-40 beds for distribution to area children. On October 30, Joe Farah opens his home to Monday Night Football “Lions Watch”.
Fines were levied today against Jeff Dennings for failure to shake hands with other members, against Phil Holmblade for failure to be Optimistic in printing up enough sheets for OIF “Dime-A-Day” participation, against Rich Lewis for failure to mention Optimism in the local news on his new office opening, and against Dan Crannie for bragging about wearing a “Rotary” shirt to Club.
Until next time, “Promise Yourself…”