Newsletter – October 31, 2024

Ann Marie Van Duyne
October 31, 2024

Ann Marie Van Duyne, VP of External Relations for FIM

22 came to this morning’s Club breakfast to hear her speak about FIM – the overarching term that now is used to capture the aggregation of Flint’s Cultural Center performance venues – Flint Institute of Music (from which FIM is taken), the Flint School of Performing Arts, Flint Repertory Theater (REP), Capitol Theater, and Whiting Auditorium. These “world-class” operations present many management challenges but are tremendous community assets and sources of pride and pleasure for thousands of citizens. In addition to bringing audiences in to watch and hear the highly talented performances, the proficient performers venture out of their Cultural Center “digs” to nursing homes, schools, parks, and drinking holes in the surrounding area with literal and figurative “magical” performances  of sleight of hand, acting, vocal, instrumental, and dance skills – teaching and impressing as well as entertaining. All this has been made possible by private donation, public millage votes, foundation grants, and community collaboration, and we can be proud as well as entertained as a result of these efforts. Ann Marie recounted the historical development and well-known names associated with the initiation of “community singing” (even, or especially) in auto plants that morphed into the multifaceted and widely recognized programs, people, and venues of FIM that we enjoy today.

Jeff Gauger noted that some SHP bed assemblies are scheduled in the several days and asked for some Optimist decals for putting on vehicles that will go to builds and assemblies. 

Jack Proffitt confirmed that the MSD “Signing Santa” Pancake Breakfast will be on December 4, and a list of names, ages, and interests circulated around the Club so that members can sign up to purchase Christmas gifts ($30 limit) for the MSD elementary kids.

Joe Farah, program chair for the morning, arrived early this morning to welcome his guest and eat his breakfast before the rest of the Club, prompting a series of fines. One by Ken Cullen was against Joe for “making the rest of us feel late!”, and Joe (not to be outdone and wanting to move attention away ) commented that “copper wire originated by John Farah trying to see how far he could stretch a penny!”. 

One of our members erroneously tried to fine a guest (John McNally) and the fine backfired! Cherrylean Givens paid a fine for failing to shake hands with all members, but she, too, deflected attention from her infraction by introducing her husband, Jerry, to the Club and asking him to share his history and interests. Bill Reaves’ “pirate patch” eye covering and silly “AARGH!” brought him some “fine” attention until his “timbers” were “shivered”. Greg Hilliker paid a fine initiated by Jeff Dennings for not showing up for the “Old Fashioned” event yesterday when Jeff, the host, did not inform or invite him! (AARGH!)

Jeff Dennings tried to pressure our guest speaker into drawing his number for the  “Progressive 50/50 Pot”, and his ticket was drawn, but his card selection means that the money pot continues to grow beyond today’s $1289.

Until next time, “Promise Yourself…”

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