Volunteers wanted for “Build Day”!!

January 13, 2024

The most recent issue of “MY CITY” magazine mentions one of our favorite organizations on its cover: Sleep in Heavenly Peace (Flushing Chapter) has been a beneficiary of our West Flint Optimist Clubs financial support and several work teams that have cut, sawn, sanded, drilled, stained, burned. delivered, assembled beds for children who did not have beds to sleep on. The beds have been made and also “made” in that they have covers. pads, sheets, blankets, quilts, pillows, pillow cases, and (frequently) stuffed animals in place, ready for sleep when we leave.

In the magazine’s feature article “A Good Night’s Rest/Sleep in Heavenly Peace” (see page photo in attachment below), Karen Gasperosky (who heads the local chapter of this multi-state organization) notes that 259 beds have been built locally, yet there remains a 300-bed backlog of requests. She values the kids in the community, and she also values each of her volunteers

One of our West Flint Optimist Club members, Dan Crannie, has opened his facility to provide a warm, safe, and spacious work area for the construction activities and volunteers to build 40-50 more beds. We will gather at 8:00 a.m. and after on February 3, 2024 at “Signs by Crannie” (4145 Market Place, Flint, MI 48507) and work until we run out of resources or energy in  providing for the kids in our area. Tools and lunch are provided and the pay – in satisfaction, not money – is great!

Please join us in this venture!!

Attachment 1

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