West Flint Optimist Club Newsletter – March 6, 2025

March 6, 2025

Guest Speaker Mike Morgan with Joe Cozart and Cindy Sullivan

Mike Morgan works with Joe at Teachout Security and has a long history of work with military, homeland security, and law enforcement, focusing especially on selecting and training animals and personnel in canine (K9) units. He spoke at length of the specific qualities of dogs for particular jobs and talked of the importance of relationships in the entire process from initial contact to assignment completion. Thanks, Mike (and Joe, this month’s Speaker Chair).

Prez Cindy called this morning’s gathering to order, asked Rich Lewis to lead the Pledge of Allegiance and Jack Proffitt to say grace before starting the breakfast and business.

Jeff Gauger gave a glowing account of the recent successful Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser at Flushing Moose Lodge, celebrating the attendance and the donations. He reminded us of the upcoming April 12th “50-bed Build Day” scheduled there, noted the eager participation of a Kettering fraternity group in deliveries this afternoon, reported lumber delivery to GCI for preparatory cutting, and also counted roughly 16 beds assembled in the past week. Steve Schlott told of a family that helped out with the assembly of some of their own beds in the past week and commented on the gratification of the work (as we all have experienced).

Cindy reports her sleeplessness in the anticipation of the process of downsizing from their large home to a condo in “30 days”!

No one took home the “Progressive 50/50 Pot” today, now grown to $379.

Until next time, “Promise Yourself…”

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