Newsletter – May 9, 2024

May 15, 2024

Sheila Gafney, officially “retired” but still involved with Special Olympics,

spoke to the group of 14 attendees about the upcoming Special Olympic Games. Locally, we will support them with our presence for the Softball Throw Friday at Carman-Ainsworth Middle School and with a check given in this morning’s meeting. A Summer Soiree fundraiser at Mundy Commons on Friday, June 14th, the Summer Games Expo hot dog sale on June 8, and a golf outing on August 4 will allow additional Club participation opportunities. Sheila introduced Lucas, one of the SO athletes, along with his mother, Lisa, and Lucas reported on his multiple medal accomplishments in softball, hockey, basketball, weightlifting, and bocce. SO has snowshoeing and cross-country ski events this year, and a Carman-Ainsworth athlete will be going to the World Games to compete in the cross-country Italy competition (costing $30,000/athlete).

SummerFest  plans continue to unfold, and sign-up sheets will be available to ensure that 11 people per day are committed and knowledgeable about their roles. $5K Sponsorships have been logged and will close on June 1, and Sean Mueller (Governor-Elect for our Michigan District) may make an appearance at the event (per Bill Reaves).

Known activities of other Clubs in the Zone were discussed and possible collaborations suggested.

A card went around the room for messages to the family of Ron Ballard, recently deceased 50-year member of the Club whose memorial is next week (17th at First Presbyterian Church) and who is seen in the photo below with Club member John Farah and Ron’s wife, Arlene, in the background.

Joe Farah received a fine for clearing out Gaines Jewelers inventory of watches, but Joe decided to distract the members voting by suggesting that his cousin John Farah, who reportedly “does nothing”, offer his house for the reinstatement of the August Board Meeting/Steak Cookout. More info on this possible event (and the family turmoil that may ensue) to follow.

Phil Holmblade drew the “lucky” ticket, but not the winning Queen of Diamonds, allowing the “50/50 Progressive Pot” to continue its growth.

Until next time, “Promise Yourself…”